Thursday 18 September 2014

He might have been an Anti-Semite...

Walter Disney might have been an anti-Semite i.e. For those who don't know what that means, he wasn't a big fan of Jews, but he found a way to bring happiness to every child and a way to calm my stormiest days. 

I say this in that, Disney movies have been (even at the age of 27 and I suspect until the day I die) the driving force behind my singing, my happiness and my way to keep in contact with my inner child. Who knows, maybe that's why kids love me so much. 

Today is a Disney Day. And not Bambi or Lion King cuz' I'll just bawl my eyes out. It's a Disney Princess day. I plan on singing Part of your World, Under the Sea, Going down the Bayou, Just Around The River Bend, Colours of The Wind, Beauty and The Beast, A Whole New World, Do you Want to Build a Snowman and most of all Let it Go. 

It might not work for everyone but on a bad day like this Disney has always been my pick me upper. It has showed me that singing can take your blues away, even for that moment. 

Disney and its Princesses are my escape, I hope that on bad days you find yours, and once it's a healthy escape, use it, love it, appreciate it with all your heart. I might not sing in public anymore but believe that a bit of singing will go down in this bed and room of isolation today. 

I love and treasure all of you. 

May the road RISE to meet you.

Vernée 💋

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I try not to create a space of negativity, my mum always told me, 'If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything at all'.