Friday 5 September 2014


Imagine this for a headline:- 'No more electricity to power the world! Earth working on two spare generators.'
I wish I had a generator right now. Soooo here's what happened, my god daughter came up to me, 'Aunty, the TV won't come on', I go 'What do you mean? Did you turn it off by accident?' She said 'No'. So I told her to check to see if my fan is still on and she came back with a frantic 'No Aunty'. So cool, calm, collective me went 'the electricity is just off'. Note, I ain got nuh data on my phone, and uhm brek (to be truthful, If I ain working, I'm home so my philosophy is if you don't have my home phone number, ya really ain that important to me cuz ya cud call me pon my cell) so therefore life for me right now consists of nature. Wait! Did I mention that I am internally freaking out? My fan ain wukkin and nuh wind ain cain thru muh winda, ah could see de Mosquitos starting a swarm and ah hear a buzz pass my ear just now. It's only suh much life de computer got and de internet gone so ah cyan even post this til de lil power come back on! Oh the horror!! 

But at the same time, I can hear the birds chirping, the trees by my neighbour rustling and the clanging of the metal plate we have on our wall with whatever little wind is blowing. It's even pushed my god daughter to bathe early (nuh lie, ya does gotta beg she to bathe, but once de water hit, she in a singing and preaching frenzy, yes Sista Shanté! Hallelujer!) and read the last two stories in her book. 

It's a blessing and a curse, the electricity going off, but there's a stillness in the atmosphere that cannot be measured on any scale. It's like it's almost surreal. I like it but I can't tek these Mosquitos and this heat so BL&P sort out wunna self! 

LaBellaVee or Vernée if ya please! 


May the road RISE to meet you. 

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I try not to create a space of negativity, my mum always told me, 'If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything at all'.