Thursday 18 April 2013

Let's Make Intellectual Intercourse

Now anyone who knows me knows that I enjoy a good laugh, and I do mean a hearty good laugh. But there comes a point in time where I want more than that, I want to be made love to; intellectually. 

We all at some point want to be mentally stimulated where there's thought provoking conversation, whether it be about religion, politics, science, the earth, crime or anything of the sort. I want to be able to sit and discuss a good book, and air my views on the current economic situation with someone or people who enjoy doing the same. Let's throw out our creative ideas and develop a craft project, or let's just sit and talk about what might lie beyond the deep blue seas of the ocean. 

It's not always about fun and games, and we need to surround ourselves with those who can challenge us mentally and emotionally and we need to understand that while everyone might not think along our personal intellectual levels, we still need to give them a chance (one chance at least).

So, how about it, you and I? Yes you, you sir, the gentleman with the pretty mouth, how's about we make some nice, sexy intellectual love.

Love and Light.

*May the road rise to meet you*

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I try not to create a space of negativity, my mum always told me, 'If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything at all'.