Monday 11 August 2014


And with a pumping heart, I covered my boobs and laid down for my Sternum Tattoo. I listened to friends, I researched but nothing could've prepared me for the pain I was going to experience. 7 tattoos in and my 8th would prove to be the most painful (so far, you know I'm far from done! Hehe) 

Through the pain I thought about what this tattoo meant to me. A flower :- Me with 6 roots. The flower forever blooming, forever growing, forever learning, forever shining represents Vernée as she is now, the 6 roots represent the reasons why and how Vernée keeps blooming and keeps pushing forward. Each root is a significant person in my life:- Margaret, Vernon, Hazel, Valerie, Marion or Ordine as mummy would call her and Mirriam, daddy's mum who passed before I was born but I'm told is like a reincarnation. I am who I am because of these 6 people, my personality, my traits and characteristics. My loving nature, my craziness, lackadaisical, say what's on your mind, that one girl who will punch you out and ask questions later and that tenacious attitude. I am me because of them and I love all of them immensely. 

To my family, you are the reason I survive. Don't give up on me yet! Better things to come! 

With many words left unsaid, these are the words from my head. 

May the road rise to meet you.

Plain ol' Vernée. 

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I try not to create a space of negativity, my mum always told me, 'If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything at all'.