Saturday, 17 October 2015

The Thin Line

 I have always had grandiose ideas of being Vernee Sobers PhD, I mean I still have that idea, whether it be PsyD or PhD, one of those will definitely follow all of the other accolades behind my name. Still, at 28, after being a perpetual student from the age of 5, being engaged and making wedding and life plans, there is now that thin line between pursuing further education and settling down and playing house and popping out my lover's babies. 

 At what point in time do we consider each spectrum of this thin line. On one hand, education is my pride and joy, it is what I thrive on, I'm an academic in pursuit for heaven's sake. But still, as I sit on the cusp of 30,  my ovaries are screaming 'Oye! You! Try fertilise these eggs, lest they shrivel up and die'.  And that seriously is what I'm convinced they're saying. 

 My thin line has come, but I honestly think I have made my decision. In my eyes, education will always be there, but will my eggs be?

 We all have that right to consider what in life we wish to pursue. Whether it be a career, a degree or a family. It's so bad that I can see myself being a housewife, ok, I lied, I'm quite feminist, I believe in equal roles and the opportunity to pay a nursery to keep my child (my mother has already gracefully declined) so that those people can get money too. I very much believe in a functionalist society. Every thing and everyone serves a purpose. My purpose might be to help others, to make them laugh, to give them hope, maybe even for them to say 'because of Vernée I could'. 

To my future husband, with the hope of God's grace we will grow old together.

To my unborn child, no worries, mummy chose you over getting a Doctorate, she didn't really have to think about it. Maybe she'll go for it when you're 4 and daddy has you covered.

Thin lines? Do what your heart tells you.

With many words left unsaid, these are the thoughts from my head.

Just Vernée

1 comment:

  1. alas someone who understands my struggles--and as I am getting married next yr and pretty comfy in my career sans the numerous title I wanted--I choose my offspring--may you have as many as God wanted for you..i look forward to the updates!


I try not to create a space of negativity, my mum always told me, 'If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything at all'.