What I do know is that at 27 it is expected that I'm to have half the things in my life figured out already. Sadly, it is not so, the only thing I do know is that I am completely grateful for another year of life. Grateful for blessings bestowed upon me:- food to eat, clothes on my back, a house over my head and family and friends who love me. I am grateful to have made whatever impact or imprint on certain lives and those who have made a tremendous imprint on mine. I am grateful for this voice, for these eyes, for my one dimple, for this smile. I am happy that I am a God-mother to the sweetest little girl in the world and Aunt to three cute little munchkins.
I am however, sad at certain things I've had to experience to get to this stage of my life but every trial has made me a stronger person. I've learned that age means nothing when you live in your parents' household because certain rules will always apply. I've learned that I will strive when I become a mother to not have a double standard amongst my children to avoid certain problems I would've gone through myself.
I've learned how tough living in this country can be especially when you cannot support yourself and must therefore depend on others. I've learned how to handle disappointments because they are ever most present within every life and almost every day.
I've learned that as special birthdays are to me, others just don't feel the same way.
I've felt my heart break into millions of pieces continuously and I've developed my own mental instability, this does not mean that I am crazy, it just means I pay more attention to the mental health of myself and you my brothers and sisters.
I've lost friends and gained new ones along the way, happiness is in the hand of the those who wish to possess it. That's my wish for myself and my wish for you.
I've met my own struggle and it's now a matter of coming out of it on top.
I can't stop and I won't stop, I am destined for greatness and so are you.
Unsure of what the balance held I trod into 27 with mixed feelings but tears in my eyes. New Vernée? Not really? Different Vernée? Definitely.
Love and Light.
Birthday Girl. xx