I absolutely love the youth. I might always be on their back about stupid decisions they make but they're our future so we must love them. We must guide and nurture them, we must teach them right from wrong, we must show them the meaning of justice and love, not hunt them down in streets like animals.
The verdict for the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin trial has disgusted me. Not for reasons of colour, but for perversions of justice. How is any child going to feel safe in their community knowing that there is always someone lurking, someone always out to get them, someone who will always judge them by colour and class and the clothes on their backs? It's sad to know that even in the 21st Century with all the modern and technical advances made by man that we set ourselves back to Stone Age practices. How are mothers and fathers supposed to feel when the killers of their suns (yes I said sun) and daughters are set free? How are they to cope?
Malala Yousafzai is a young Palestinian girl, only turned 16 two days ago, was shot and left for dead by Taliban rebels because she was an advocate for education for girls. I'Akobi Maloney was a young budding engineer who fell to his death 5 years ago in mysterious circumstances in St.Lucy Barbados. Trayvon Martin was a 16 year old regular kid who was walking home from buying his brother Skittles and was shot to death. Thousands of Syrian children die each day from war, child soldiers are rampant in some African states, it's not about colour, where is the justice for them. Will there ever be justice? We are all of these people, some of us have children, some of us want children and what's the point of living in fear when we can live in love?
I pray for justice for each and every one of you, I pray for this generation, I pray for my children to come, I pray for my friend's children and I pray for all of you.
Love and Light.
May The Road Rise To Meet You.
Today, I'm just plain ol' Vernée... Just Vernée.